Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ayche's 12 Step Program to Gunning - Step 1

Step 1 - Reviewing first-year material over the summer

Yes, I am really doing this. It is sick. I disgust myself, I really do. Though now that I have started, it is somewhat enjoyable. Without the stress of exam deadlines, I'm free to peruse what interests me, refreshing and filling in little gaps in knowledge as I come across them. It amazes me how much clearer the material becomes in review.

Ever helpful, my 11-year-old brother decided to contribute to my review of anatomy of the upper limb by slicing his flexor pollicis longus tendon on some broken glass. (He had surgery to repair the tendon today and is doing well.) My parents were quite pleased that I had recently reviewed the paths of all those tendons in the hand, as well as innervations. Knowledge in action!

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