Monday, April 09, 2007

Making Plans

I have chosen a medical school. The desire not to go more than $160,000 in debt sure does make that decision a lot easier! Also, you know, all the rejection letters. But I was accepted to a school that I loved when I went for my interview. My next step is going to be finding a place to live. I might be semi-homeless until I get around to that this summer. At this point, I am just thankful to have survived the application process. There is a part of me that looks back on it and wonders why I spent all that time studying for the MCAT (hour after unholy hour), writing the best possible AMCAS essay (should I exploit the illness of someone I love, or one of my own personal hardships?) and researching schools (what level of Fancypants Medical School is right for me?) to then go instate. But I truly enjoyed the time I spent at the school when I interviewed, and I was impressed with all the students and faculty that I met. I think (I hope) that I have made the right decision.

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