Thursday, June 21, 2007


I am ever plagued on Amazon by my browsing/buying history. It started years ago, when I bought one (ONE!) book, Drawing Down the Moon, by Margot Adler. The book is an examination of modern day goddess-worship in the US. I had heard the author on NPR, and her work sounded interesting. Next thing you know, my recommended books list is filled with titles like Morgaine Starburst's Spell Guide for Getting Even with Your Ex, Making Yourself Seem Edgy, and Annoying Your Protestant Parents!.

I have this problem yet again from pricing some textbooks online. I don't actually enjoy reading various anatomy textbooks in my free time. I am only interested in those corresponding to the exact ISBNs I entered into the search bar. If a book has a picture of a prancing, dancing, or otherwise posed skinless human corpse on the cover, it is not what I am casually browsing Amazon in hopes of finding.

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