Thursday, September 03, 2009


As you may have inferred, if you are a med student or former med student reader (ha ha... I think people read this!), I have been absent from this blog as the stress of studying for Step 1 took its toll. But I have emerged victorious! Or at least, I passed. WHOOO RAH! I think my score is solid, especially since I don't want to be any kind of surgeon or read films all day or spend the rest of my life dealing with people's disgusting skin.

Boy, do I hate skin conditions. Just the word "papule" is upsetting.

And speaking of things I won't spend the rest of my life doing, I am currently on forensics. Pathology as a whole I have not ruled out, but forensics? Absolutely not. Why? Because insects are waiting for you to die, and they will eat you. I cannot unlearn this. It will haunt me till, and especially on, my dying day. Thanks, forensics.

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